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Microwave Engineering (Paperback, 4th, International Edition)

Microwave Engineering (Paperback, 4th, International Edition)




  • 저자 : David M. Pozar
  • 출간 : 2021-02-18
  • 페이지 : 656 쪽
  • ISBN : 9781119770619
  • 물류코드 :30108
  • 초급 초중급 중급 중고급 고급
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The 4th edition of this classic text provides a thorough coverage of RF and microwave engineering concepts, starting from fundamental principles of electrical engineering, with applications to microwave circuits and devices of practical importance. Coverage includes microwave network analysis, impedance matching, directional couplers and hybrids, microwave filters, ferrite devices, noise, nonlinear effects, and the design of microwave oscillators, amplifiers, and mixers. Material on microwave and RF systems includes wireless communications, radar, radiometry, and radiation hazards. A large number of examples and end-of-chapter problems test the reader's understanding of the material. The 4th edition includes new and updated material on systems, noise, active devices and circuits, power waves, transients, RF CMOS circuits, and more.

David M. Pozar 저자

David M. Pozar

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Chapter 1 Review of Electromagnetic Theory
Chapter 2 Transmission Lines Theory
Chapter 3 Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Chapter 4 Microwave Network Analysis
Chapter 5 Impedance Matching and Tuning
Chapter 6 Microwave Resonators
Chapter 7 Power Dividers and Directional Couplers
Chapter 8 Microwave Filters
Chapter 9 Theory and Design of Ferrimagnetic Components
Chapter 10 Noise and Non-Linear Distortion
Chapter 11 Active RF and Microwave Devices
Chapter 12 Microwave Amplifier Design
Chapter 13 Oscillators and Mixers
Chapter 14 Introduction to Microwave Systems

A Prefixes
B Vector Analysis
C Bessel Functions
D Useful Results
E Other Mathematical Results
F Physical Constants
G Conductivities for Some Materials
H Dielectric Constants and Loss Tangents for Some Materials
I Properties of Some Microwave Ferrite Materials
J Standard Rectangular Waveguides
K Standard Coaxial Cable Data
Answers to Selected Problems

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    * 상품명 :
    Microwave Engineering (Paperback, 4th, International Edition)
    * 제목 :
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    * 내용 :

    * 리뷰 작성시 유의사항

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    오탈자 등록

    * 도서명 :
    Microwave Engineering (Paperback, 4th, International Edition)
    * 구분 :
    * 상품 버전
    종이책 PDF ePub
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    Microwave Engineering (Paperback, 4th, International Edition)
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