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Intermediate Accounting (Paperback, 4th Edition)

Intermediate Accounting (Paperback, 4th Edition)




  • 저자 : Donald E. Kieso , Jerry J. Weygandt , Terry D. Warfield
  • 출간 : 2020-07-08
  • 페이지 : 1408 쪽
  • ISBN : 9781119607519
  • 물류코드 :30120
  • 초급 초중급 중급 중고급 고급
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Essential knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards for students of global accounting

This important work provides the tools global accounting students need to understand international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and how they are applied in practice. This text emphasizes fair value, proper accounting for financial instruments, and new developments in international accounting. By presenting IFRS in light of current accounting practice, this book helps students gain practical knowledge of the topic that they can apply as they advance into their global accounting careers.

With this revised and updated Fourth Edition, students will develop a firm conceptual understanding of IFRS, as well as the ability to integrate their learning through practical exercises. Throughout this text, Global Accounting Insights highlight the important differences that remain between IFRS and U.S. GAAP, discussing the ongoing joint convergence efforts to resolve them. Comprehensive, up-to-date, and accurate, Intermediate Accounting IFRS includes proven pedagogical tools designed to help students learn more effectively.

Comprehensively covers the latest International Financial Reporting Standards and how they are applied in practice
Takes a comparative approach to help students understand the differences between IFRS, U.S. GAAP, and other important standards
Emphasizes practical application of knowledge with end-of-chapter Review and Practice sections
Provides authoritative references and citations to ensure content reliability and provide opportunities for further study
Includes access to video walkthroughs, interactive content, and digital resources to support student engagement and ensure positive learning outcomes
As IFRS gains broad acceptance around the world, students of global accounting will need to be intimately familiar with these standards, and prepared to keep up with the rapid changes in the international environment. Intermediate Accounting IFRS answers to these pressing needs, making it the clear choice for accounting courses at the intermediate level.

Donald E. Kieso 저자

Donald E. Kieso

미국 공인회계사이며 오로라대학을 졸업한 뒤 일리노이대학에서 박사 학위를 취득했다. 버클리대학 조교를 거쳐 일리노이대학 회계학부 학장을 역임하고 현재 동 대학의 명예교수로 있다. 회계법인 Price Waterhouse & Co.와 Arthur Andersen에서 회계 실무 경험을 쌓았으며, 뉴욕 미국공인회계사협회의 연구부에서도 일한 바 있다. 또한 미국회계학회와 미국공인회계사협회 회원이며 일리노이회계사협회 이사, 오로라대학과 Kishwaukee Community Hospital, Valley West Community Hospital, Accounting Education Change Commission의 이사로도 활동했다. 유명한 재무회계 책을 저술하고 수많은 우수교수상을 받았다.

Jerry J. Weygandt 저자

Jerry J. Weygandt

미국 공인회계사이며 일리노이대학에서 회계학 박사 학위를 취득했다. 회계법인 Arthur Andersen에서 회계 실무 경험을 쌓은 후 위스콘신대학의 교수로 봉직했으며, 현재 동 대학의 명예교수로 있다. 재무회계학 책을 펴내는 등 활발한 저술 활동으로도 명성이 높다. 회계 학술지인 《The Accounting Review》, 《Journal of Accounting Research》, 《Accounting Horizons》, 《Journal of Accountancy》 등에 인플레이션 회계, 연금, 전환사채, 스톡옵션, 중간보고 등에 관한 논문을 발표하고 미국회계학회, 미국공인회계사협회, FASB 등의 회원으로도 활동했다. 미국회계학회에서는 《The Accounting Review》의 편집위원과 재무 담당 회장을 맡았고, 미국공인회계사협회에서는 회계기준위원회(AcSEC)의 위원으로 활약했으며, FASB에서는 법인세비용 태스크포스 멤버와 신탁재단 이사를 맡았다. 또한 미국 플로리다에 있는 세계 제일의 안과 병원 Bascom-Palmer Eye Institute의 이사로도 활동했다. 대학협회와 경영대학의 성적 우수자만이 가입할 수 있는 국제적 기구인 Beta Gamma Sigma의 우수교수상을, 위스콘신회계사협회의 우수교육자상과 평생공헌자상을 받았으며, 2001년에는 미국회계학회가 수여하는 우수교육자상을 받았다.

Terry D. Warfield 저자

Terry D. Warfield

1 Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards
2 Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
3 The Accounting Information System
4 Income Statement and Related Information
5 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flows
6 Accounting and the Time Value of Money
7 Cash and Receivables
8 Valuation of Inventories: A Cost-Basis Approach
9 Inventories: Additional Valuation Issues
10 Acquisition and Disposition of Property, Plant, and Equipment
11 Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion
12 Intangible Assets
13 Current Liabilities, Provisions, and Contingencies
14 Non-Current Liabilities
15 Equity
16 Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share
17 Investments
18 Revenue Recognition
19 Accounting for Income Taxes
20 Accounting for Pensions and Postretirement Benefits
21 Accounting for Leases
22 Accounting Changes and Error Analysis
23 Statement of Cash Flows
24 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Reporting

Appendix A Specimen Financial Statements: Marks and Spencer Group plc
Appendix B Specimen Financial Statements: adidas AG
Appendix C Specimen Financial Statements: Puma Group

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    Intermediate Accounting (Paperback, 4th Edition)
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    Intermediate Accounting (Paperback, 4th Edition)
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