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Microeconomics: Theory and Applications (Paperback, 13)

Microeconomics: Theory and Applications (Paperback, 13)




  • 저자 : Edgar K. Browning , Mark A. Zupan
  • 출간 : 2020-01-09
  • 페이지 : 592 쪽
  • ISBN : 9781119368922
  • 물류코드 :30126
  • 초급 초중급 중급 중고급 고급
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Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 13th Edition teaches students how fundamental tools of analysis are used explain and predict market phenomena. Designed for both economics and business students, this thorough yet accessible textbook describes basic microeconomic principles using various applications to clarify complicated economic concepts and provides an essential foundation of microeconomics knowledge. Clear and engaging chapters discuss cutting-edge models and explore numerous real-world examples of microeconomic theory in action.

Comprehensive and topically relevant, this textbook offers greater coverage of input market analysis and applications than other texts on the subject. In-depth applications, such as consumer choice theory and noncompetitive market models, complement over 100 shorter applications that reinforce the graphical and logical techniques developed in the theory chapters. The authors’ innovative use of relatable applications promotes student engagement and comprehension, and facilitates a case-based, active-learning approach. Discussion of globalization, ethics, sustainability, and other important contemporary themes helps students understand how economics impacts their lives in various, often unexpected ways.

Edgar K. Browning 저자

Edgar K. Browning

Mark A. Zupan 저자

Mark A. Zupan

Preface iii

Acknowledgments viii

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Microeconomics 1

Chapter 2: Supply and Demand 13

Chapter 3: The Theory of Consumer Choice 42

Chapter 4: Individual and Market Demand 75

Chapter 5: Using Consumer Choice Theory 107

Chapter 6: Exchange, Efficiency, and Prices 140

Chapter 7: Production 159

Chapter 8: The Cost of Production 181

Chapter 9: Profit Maximization in Perfectly Competitive Markets 213

Chapter 10: Using the Competitive Model 243

Chapter 11: Monopoly 277

Chapter 12: Product Pricing with Monopoly Power 306

Chapter 13: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 330

Chapter 14: Game Theory and the Economics of Information 357

Chapter 15: Using Noncompetitive Market Models 385

Chapter 16: Employment and Pricing of Inputs 402

Chapter 17: Wages, Rent, Interest, and Profit 425

Chapter 18: Using Input Market Analysis 453

Chapter 19: General Equilibrium Analysis and Economic Efficiency 482

Chapter 20: Public Goods and Externalities 505

Answers to Selected Problems xxx

Glossary xxx

Index xxx

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    Microeconomics: Theory and Applications (Paperback, 13)
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    오탈자 등록

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    Microeconomics: Theory and Applications (Paperback, 13)
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    Microeconomics: Theory and Applications (Paperback, 13)
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