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Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 3rd Edition

Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 3rd Edition

International Student Edition | (Paperback)




  • 저자 : Ferdinand Beer , E. Johnston , John DeWolf , David Mazurek
  • 출간 : 2021-01-01
  • 페이지 : 864 쪽
  • ISBN : 9781260570984
  • 물류코드 :30002
  • 초급 초중급 중급 중고급 고급
0점 (0명)
좋아요 : 42

In this text, the study of statics and mechanics of materials is based on the understanding of a few basic concepts and on the use of simplified models. This approach makes it possible to develop all the necessary formulas in a rational and logical manner, and to clearly indicate the conditions under which they can be safely applied to the analysis and design of actual engineering structures and machine components.

Practical Applications Are Introduced Early. 

One of the characteristics of the approach used in this text is that mechanics of particles is clearly separated from the mechanics of rigid bodies. This approach makes it possible to consider simple, practical applications at an early stage and to postpone the introduction of the more difficult concepts.


New Concepts Are Introduced in Simple Terms. 

Because this text is designed for the first course in mechanics, new concepts are presented in simple terms and every step is explained in detail. On the other hand, by discussing the broader aspects of the problems considered and by stressing methods of general applicability, a definite maturity of approach is achieved.


Fundamental Principles Are Placed in the Context of Simple

Applications. The fact that mechanics is essentially a deductive science based on a few fundamental principles is stressed. Derivations have been presented in their logical sequence and with all the rigor warranted at this level. However, the learning process being largely inductive, simple applications are considered first.


Free-Body Diagrams Are Used Extensively. 

Throughout the text, free-body diagrams are used to determine external or internal forces. The use of “picture equations” will also help the students understand the superposition of loadings and the resulting stresses and deformations.


Design Concepts Are Discussed Throughout the Text Whenever

Appropriate. A discussion of the application of the factor of safety to design can be found in Chap. 8, where the concept of allowable stress design is presented.


The SMART Problem-Solving Methodology Is Employed. 

Students are presented with the SMART approach for solving engineering problems, whose acronym reflects the solution steps of Strategy, Modeling, Analysis, and Reflect and Think. This methodology is used in all Sample Problems, and it is intended that students will apply this in the solution of all assigned problems.


Case Studies. 

The principles developed in this text are used extensively in engineering applications, particularly for design as well as for the analysis of failures. Much can be learned from the historical successes and failures of past design, and unique insight can be gained by studying how engineers developed different products and structures. 

To this end, real-world Case Studies have been introduced in the text to provide relevancy and application to the principles of engineering mechanics being discussed. These are developed using the SMART problem-solving methodology to present the story behind each Case Study, as well as to analyze some aspects of the situation.

A Careful Balance Between SI and U.S. Customary Units Is Consistently

Maintained. Because it is essential that students be able to handle effectively both SI metric units and U.S. customary units, half the examples, sample problems, and problems to be assigned have been stated in SI units and half in U.S. customary units. Because a large number of problems are available, instructors can assign problems using each system of units in whatever proportion they find most desirable for their class.


New to the Third Edition

  • Case Studies : Case Studies have been added to all chapters to provide the student with real-world engineering problems. These address how engineers approached the evaluation of problems that occurred and how they developed new designs.
  • Text Revisions : The authors have continued to edit the language to make the book easier to read and more student-friendly.
  • Photographs : We have updated many of the photos appearing in the third edition.
  • Revised or New Problems : Over 20% of the problems are revised or new to this edition.


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Ferdinand Beer 저자

Ferdinand Beer

Born in France and educated in France and Switzerland, Ferdinand P. Beer held an M.S. degree from the Sorbonne and an Sc.D. degree in theoretical mechanics from the University of Geneva. He came to the United States after serving in the French army during the early part of World War II and taught for four years at Williams College in the Williams-MIT joint arts and engineering program. Following his service at Williams College, Beer joined the faculty of Lehigh University, where he taught for thirty-seven years. He held several positions, including the University Distinguished Professors Chair and Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics Department. In 1995, Beer was awarded an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree by Lehigh University.


E. Johnston 저자

E. Johnston

Born in Philadelphia, E. Russell Johnston, Jr. holds a B.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of Delaware and an Sc.D. degree in the field of structural engineering from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He taught at Lehigh University and Worchester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) before joining the faculty of the University of Connecticut where he held the position of Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department and taught for twenty-six years. In 1991 Russ received the Outstanding Civil Engineer Award from the Connecticut Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers.


John DeWolf 저자

John DeWolf

John T. DeWolf, Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Connecticut, joined the Beer and Johnston team as an author on the second edition of Mechanics of Materials.  John holds a B.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of Hawaii and M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in structural engineering from Cornell University.  His research interests are in the area of elastic stability, bridge monitoring, and structural analysis and design.  He is a registered Professional Engineer and a member of the Connecticut Board of Professional Engineers.  He was selected as the University of Connecticut Teaching Fellow in 2006.


David Mazurek 저자

David Mazurek

David F. Mazurek holds a B.S. in ocean engineering and an M.S. in civil engineering from the Florida Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Connecticut. Employed by the General Dynamics Corporation Electric Boat Division for five years, he provided submarine construction support and conducted engineering design and analysis associated with pressure hull and other structures. He then taught for one year at Lafayette College prior to joining the civil engineering faculty at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, where he has been since 1990. Mazurek is currently a member of the American Railway Engineering & Maintenance-of-way Association Committee 15, and the American Society of Civil Engineers Committee on Blast, Shock, and Vibratory Effects. He has also worked with the Federal Railroad Administration on their bridge-inspection training program. He is a licensed professional engineer in Connecticut and Pennsylvania.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Statics of Particles

Chapter 3: Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces

Chapter 4: Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies

Chapter 5: Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity

Chapter 6: Analysis of Structures

Chapter 7: Distributed Forces: Moments of Inertia

Chapter 8: Concept of Stress

Chapter 9: Stress and Strain-Axial Loading

Chapter 10: Torsion

Chapter 11: Pure Bending

Chapter 12: Analysis and Design of Beams for Bending

Chapter 13: Shearing Stresses in Beams and Thin-Walled Members

Chapter 14: Transformations of Stress

Chapter 15: Deflection of Beams

Chapter 16: Columns

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    Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 3rd Edition
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    Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 3rd Edition
    * 구분 :
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