set pages 999; spool event.lst; column c0 format 999; column c1 heading 'event' format a35; column c2 heading 'tot waits' format 9,999,999; column c3 heading 'tot timeouts' format 9,999,999; column c4 heading 'avg waits' format 9,999,999; column c5 heading 'time waited' format 999,999,999; select distinct substr(event,1,30) c1, sum(total_waits) c2, -- sum(total_timeouts) c3, sum(average_wait) c4, sum(time_waited) c5 from v$session_event where average_wait > 0 or total_timeouts > 0 group by substr(event,1,30) order by sum(time_waited) desc ; column c0 heading 'tablespace' format a14; column c1 heading 'event' format a25; column c2 heading 'tot waits' format 9,999,999; column c3 heading 'tot timeouts' format 9,999,999; column c4 heading 'avg waits' format 999,999; break on c1 skip 1; select distinct substr(a.event,1,25) c1, substr(b.tablespace_name,1,14) c0, sum(a.total_waits) c2, sum(a.total_timeouts) c3, sum(a.average_wait) c4 from v$session_event a, dba_data_files b, v$session c where a.sid = c.sid and b.file_id = c.ROW_WAIT_FILE# and ( average_wait > 0 or total_timeouts > 10 ) and total_waits > 1000 group by substr(tablespace_name,1,14), substr(event,1,25) order by substr(a.event,1,25), sum(total_waits) desc ;