import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; public abstract class Transformers extends Component { Shape mAxes, mShape; int mLength = 54, mArrowLength = 4, mTickSize = 4; public Transformers() { mAxes = createAxes(); mShape = createShape(); } protected Shape createAxes() { GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); // Axes. path.moveTo(-mLength, 0); path.lineTo(mLength, 0); path.moveTo(0, -mLength); path.lineTo(0, mLength); // Arrows. path.moveTo(mLength - mArrowLength, -mArrowLength); path.lineTo(mLength, 0); path.lineTo(mLength - mArrowLength, mArrowLength); path.moveTo(-mArrowLength, mLength - mArrowLength); path.lineTo(0, mLength); path.lineTo(mArrowLength, mLength - mArrowLength); // Half-centimeter tick marks float cm = 72 / 2.54f; float lengthCentimeter = mLength / cm; for (float i = 0.5f; i < lengthCentimeter; i += 1.0f) { float tick = i * cm; path.moveTo( tick, -mTickSize / 2); path.lineTo( tick, mTickSize / 2); path.moveTo(-tick, -mTickSize / 2); path.lineTo(-tick, mTickSize / 2); path.moveTo(-mTickSize / 2, tick); path.lineTo( mTickSize / 2, tick); path.moveTo(-mTickSize / 2, -tick); path.lineTo( mTickSize / 2, -tick); } // Full-centimeter tick marks for (float i = 1.0f; i < lengthCentimeter; i += 1.0f) { float tick = i * cm; path.moveTo( tick, -mTickSize); path.lineTo( tick, mTickSize); path.moveTo(-tick, -mTickSize); path.lineTo(-tick, mTickSize); path.moveTo(-mTickSize, tick); path.lineTo( mTickSize, tick); path.moveTo(-mTickSize, -tick); path.lineTo( mTickSize, -tick); } return path; } protected Shape createShape() { float cm = 72 / 2.54f; return new Rectangle2D.Float(cm, cm, 2 * cm, cm); } public void paint(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; // Use antialiasing. g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); // Move the origin to 75, 75. AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(75, 75); g2.transform(at); // Draw the shapes in their original locations. g2.setPaint(; g2.draw(mAxes); g2.draw(mShape); // Transform the Graphics2D. g2.transform(getTransform()); // Draw the shapes in their new locations, but dashed. Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, new float[] { 3, 1 }, 0); g2.setStroke(stroke); g2.draw(mAxes); g2.draw(mShape); } public abstract AffineTransform getTransform(); public Frame getFrame() { ApplicationFrame f = new ApplicationFrame("...more than meets the eye"); f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); f.add(this, BorderLayout.CENTER); f.setSize(350,200);; return f; } }