README FOR TRANSACT-SQL PROGRAMMING: The following stored procedures are included here. See the CD-ROM accompanying the book for additional procedures. sp_spaceall: Similar to SP_SPACEUSED, but shows all table space used plus the total used in the database. Has several ordering and filtering options. sp_grep: Acts much like the UNIX 'grep' command. Searches syscomments table in the current database for occurrences of a combination of strings. Correctly handles cases when a substring begins in one row of syscomments and continues in the next. sp_locktab: A variation on SP_LOCK that shows table names instead of object IDs. sp_reinit_ndx: Rebuilds all indexes in a given database and reestablishes their fillfactors. sp_dbback: Performs several DBCC checks on a database, and if they are all successful, dumps the database to a backup file. check_disk_size: A simple routine to report the amount of free space available on all disks of the SQL Server.