## DBA Command Post - objects.sql break on report compute sum of Tab on report compute sum of Ind on report compute sum of Syn on report compute sum of Vew on report compute sum of Seq on report compute sum of Trg on report compute sum of Fun on report compute sum of Pck on report compute sum of Prc on report compute sum of Dep on report select username, count(decode(O.type, 2,O.obj#,'')) Tab, count(decode(O.type, 1,O.obj#,'')) Ind, count(decode(O.type, 5,O.obj#,'')) Syn, count(decode(O.type, 4,O.obj#,'')) Vew, count(decode(O.type, 6,O.obj#,'')) Seq, count(decode(O.type, 7,O.obj#,'')) Prc, count(decode(O.type, 8,O.obj#,'')) Fun, count(decode(O.type, 9,O.obj#,'')) Pck, count(decode(O.type,12,O.obj#,'')) Trg, count(decode(O.type,10,O.obj#,'')) Dep from sys.obj$ O, sys.dba_users U where U.user_id = O.owner# (+) group by username order by username /