APPENDIX G Dynamic Performance Tables Dynamic performance tables are tables in which Oracle stores system statistics. Part V of this book describes how the DBA can access these tables to get information on system activity that may be helpful in tuning the database and other aspects of the system. When your database is first created, only SYS has access to the V$ tables. To allow other users to run products that require the V$ tables, such as SQL*DBA Monitor options and the Oracle Performance Pack products, you must run the script UTLMONTR.sql which is located in the $Oracle_HOME/rdbms/admin on UNIX systems. WARNING: The V$ tables are prone to frequent change. If you would like a full listing of all the V$tables, you can access the V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION view. The table layouts displayed are from Oracle7.3.2. We have made every attempt to make the table descriptions as accurate and up to date as possible, and we will continue to review the layouts periodically. Version 7 Dynamic Performance Tables: V$ACCESS: Describes the owners of objects. You can join this table to the V$SESSION table using the SID column to obtain the tables a particular user is using. SID -- VARCHAR2 Session number that is accessing an object. This column can be joined to V$SESSION to access the username and other session information OWNER -- VARCHAR2 Owner of the object OBJECT -- VARCHAR2 Name of the object OB_TYP -- VARCHAR2 Type identifier for the object V$ARCHIVE: Information on archive logs for each thread in the database system. (Each row provides information for one thread.) GROUP# -- NUMBER Log file group number THREAD# -- NUMBER Log file thread number SEQUENCE# -- NUMBER Log file sequence number CURRENT -- VARCHAR2 Archive log currently in use FIRST_CHANGE# -- NUMBER First SCN stored in the current log V$BACKUP: Backup status of all online data files FILE# -- NUMBER File identifier STATUS -- VARCHAR2 File status: NOT ACTIVE, ACTIVE (backup in progress), OFFLINE NORMAL, or description of an error CHANGE#-- NUMBER System change number when backup started TIME -- VARCHAR2 Time the backup started V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES: Maps name to instance numbers for all instances that have a database currently mounted INST_NUMBER-- NUMBER Instance number INST_NAME-- VARCHAR2(60) Instance name V$BGPROCESS: Describes the background processes, for example, DBWR, SMON, PMON, ARCH PADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the process state object NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of this background process DESCRIPTION: VARCHAR2 Description of the background process ERROR -- NUMBER Error encountered V$BH: This is a parallel server view. This view gives the status and number of pings for every buffer in the SGA. It can also be used to check the contents of the buffer cache for non-parallel-server environments. Use the statement SELECT status, COUNT(*) FROM v$bh GROUP BY status FILE# -- NUMBER Datafile identifier number (to find filename, query DBA_ DATA_FILES or V$DBFILES) BLOCK -- NUMBER Block number STATUS -- VARCHAR2(1) FREE = not currently in use XCUR = exclusive, SCUR = shared current, CR = consistent read, READ = being read from disk, MREC = in media recovery mode, IREC = in instance recovery mode XNC -- NUMBER Number of PCM lock conversions due to contention with another instance. See Chapter 12, Tuning Parallel Server for more information on this parameter. LOCK_ELEMENT_ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that is covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, these buffers are covered by the same PCM lock. DIRTY -- VARCAHR2(1) Y= modified block TEMP -- VARCHAR2(1) Y = temporary block PING -- VARCHAR2(1) Y = block pinged STALE -- VARCHAR2(1) Y = block is stale DIRECT -- VARCHAR2(1) Y = direct block NEW -- VARCHAR2(1) Y = new block For more information, see the Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts and Administration. V$CACHE: This is a parallel server view. This view contains information from the block header of each block in the SGA of the current instance as related to particular database objects. FILE# -- NUMBER Data file identifier number (to find filename, query DBA_ DATA_FILES or V$DBFILES) BLOCK# -- NUMBER Block number STATUS -- VARCHAR2(1) Status of block: FREE = not currently in use XCUR = exclusive SCUR = shared current CR = consistent read READ = being read from disk MREC = in media recovery mode IREC = in instance recovery mode XNC -- NUMBER Number of PCM lock conversions due to contention with another instance NAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the database object containing the block KIND -- VARCHAR2(12) Type of database object: TABLE CLUSTER INDEX UNDO = rollback segment OWNER# -- NUMBER Owner number LOCK_ELEMENT_ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that is covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are covered by the same PCM lock. For more information, see the Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts and Administration. V$CACHE_LOCK: This is a parallel server view. See Chapter 12, Tuning Parallel Server, for more information on its usage. FILE# -- NUMBER Data file identifier number (to find filename, query DBA_ DATA_FILES or V$DBFILES) BLOCK# -- NUMBER Block number STATUS -- VARCHAR2(4) Status of block: FREE = not currently in use XCUR = exclusive SCUR = shared current CR = consistent read READ = being read from disk MREC = in media recovery mode IREC = in instance recovery mode XNC -- NUMBER Number of parallel cache management (PCM) lock conversions due to contention with another instance NAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the database object containing the block KIND -- VARCHAR2(12) Type of database object: TABLE CLUSTER INDEX UNDO = rollback segment OWNER# -- NUMBER Owner number LOCK_ELEMENT_ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that is covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are covered by the same PCM lock. INDX -- NUMBER Platform-specific lock manager identifier CLASS -- NUMBER Platform-specific lock manager identifier V$CACHE_LOCK is similar to V$CACHE, except for the platform specific lock manager identifiers. This information may be useful if the platform specific lock manager provides tools for monitoring the PCM lock operations that are occurring. For example, first query to find the lock element address using INDX and CLASS, then query V$BH to find the buffers that are covered by the lock, For more information, see Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts and Administration. V$CIRCUIT: This view contains information about virtual circuits, which are user connections to the database through dispatchers and servers. CIRCUIT -- RAW(4) Circuit address DISPATCHER -- RAW(4) Current dispatcher process address SERVER -- RAW(4) Current server process address WAITER -- RAW(4) Address of server process that is waiting for the (currently busy) circuit to become available SADDR -- RAW(4) Address of session bound to the circuit STATUS -- VARCHAR2 Status of the circuit: BREAK (currently interrupted), EOF (about to be removed), OUTBOUND (an outward link to a remote database), NORMAL (normal circuit into the local database) QUEUE -- VARCHAR2 Queue the circuit is currently on: COMMON (on the common queue, waiting to be picked up by a server process), DISPATCHER (waiting for the dispatcher), SERVER (currently being served), OUTBOUND (waiting to establish an outbound connection, NONE (idle circuit) MESSAGE0 -- NUMBER Size in bytes of the messages in the first message buffer MESSAGE1 -- NUMBER Size in bytes of the messages in the second message buffer MESSAGES -- NUMBER Total number of messages that have gone through this circuit BYTES -- NUMBER Total number of bytes that have gone through this circuit BREAKS -- NUMBER Total number of breaks (interruptions) for this circuit V$COMPATIBILITY: This view shows features in use by the database instance that may prevent downgrading to a previous release. This is the dynamic (SGA) version of this information and may include temporary incompatibilities (like UNDO segments) that will not exist after the database is shut down cleanly. TYPE_ID -- VARCHAR2(8) Internal feature identifier RELEASE -- VARCHAR2(60) Release in which that feature appeared DESCRIPTION -- VARCHAR2(64) Description of the feature V$COMPATSEG: This view lists the permanent features in use by the database that will prevent moving back to an earlier release. TYPE_ID -- VARCHAR2(8) Internal feature identifier RELEASE -- VARCHAR2(60) Release in which that feature appeared. The software must be able to interpret data formats added in that release. UPDATED -- VARCHAR2(60) Release that first used the feature V$CONTROLFILE: This view lists the names of the control files. STATUS -- VARCHAR2(7) INVALID if the name cannot be determined, which should not occur NULL if the name can be determined NAME -- VARCHAR2(257) Name of the control file V$DATABASE: Database information from the control file NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the database CREATED -- VARCHAR2 Creation data LOG_MODE -- VARCHAR2 Archive log mode: NOARCHIVELOG or ARCHIVELOG CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# -- NUMBER Last SCN checkpointed ARCHIVE_CHANGE# -- NUMBER Last SCN archived V$DATAFILE: Data file information from the control file. Join this table to the V$FILESTAT table to obtain a collection of I/O statistics for each of your data files. FILE# -- NUMBER File identification number STATUS -- VARCHAR2 Type of file (system or user) and its status Values: OFFLINE, SYSOFF, ONLINE, SYSTEM, RECOVER ENABLED -- VARCHAR2(10) DISABLED means no SQL access allowed, READ ONLY no SQL updates allowed, READ WRITE full access allowed and UNKNOWN will occur if the control file is corrupted. CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# -- NUMBER SCN at last checkpoint BYTES -- NUMBER Size in bytes CREATE_BYTES -- NUMBER Size when created in bytes NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the file V$DBFILE: This view lists all datafiles making up the database. This view is retained for historical compatibility. Use of V$DATAFILE is recommended instead. FILE# -- NUMBER File identifier NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of file V$DBLINK: This view describes all open database links (links with IN_ TRANSACTION = YES). These database links must be committed or rolled back before being closed. DB_LINK -- VARCHAR2(128) Name of the database link OWNER_ID -- NUMBER Owner of the database link UID LOGGED_ON -- VARCHAR2(3) Whether the database link is currently logged on HETEROGENEOUS -- VARCHAR2(3) Whether the database link is heterogeneous PROTOCOL -- VARCHAR2(6) Communication protocol for the database link OPEN_CURSORS -- NUMBER Whether there are open cursors for the database link IN_TRANSACTION -- VARCHAR2(3) Whether the database link is currently in a transaction UPDATE_SENT -- VARCHAR2(3) Whether there has been an update on the database link COMMIT_POINT_STRENGH -- NUMBER Commit point strength of the transactions on the database link V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE: Shows database objects that are cached in the library cache. Objects include tables, indexes, clusters, synonym definitions, PL/SQL procedures and packages, and triggers. The important columns from the tuning perspective are the LOADS and EXECUTIONS. If an object is being executed frequently and has to be reloaded often, the reloading usually implies that your SHARED_POOL_SIZE is set to small. You should also consider pinning your objects in the library cache using the DBMS_ SHARED_POOL.keep procedure. If an object is pinned, the column KEPT will have a value of `YES'. OWNER -- VARCHAR2 Owner of the object NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the object DB_LINK -- VARCHAR2 Database link name, if any NAMESPACE -- VARCHAR2 Library cache namespace of the object: TABLE/PROCEDURE BODY, TRIGGER, INDEX, CLUSTER, OBJECT TYPE -- VARCHAR2 Type of object: INDEX, TABLE, CLUSTER, VIEW, SET, SYNONYM, SEQUENCE, PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, PACKAGE, PACKAGE BODY, TRIGGER, CLASS, OBJECT, USER, DBLINK SHARABLE_MEM -- NUMBER Amount of sharable memory in the shared pool consumed by the object LOADS -- NUMBER Number of times the object has been loaded... This count also increases when an object has been invalidated. EXECUTIONS -- NUMBER Total number of times this object has been executed LOCKS -- NUMBER Number of users currently locking this object PINS -- NUMBER Number of users currently pinning this object KEPT -- VARCHAR2(3) YES or NO, depending on whether this object has been kept in the shared pool using DBMS_SHARED_POOL.KEEP or not V$DB_PIPES: This view shows the pipes that are currently in this database. OWNERID -- NUMBER Owner of the pipe if this is a private pipe; null otherwise NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the pipe; for example, scott.pipe TYPE -- VARCHAR2 PUBLIC or PRIVATE SIZE -- NUMBER The amount of memory the pipe uses V$DISPATCHER: Information on the dispatcher processes. NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the dispatcher process NETWORK -- VARCHAR2 Network protocol supported by this dispatcher; for example, TCP or DECNET PADDR -- RAW(4) Process address STATUS -- VARCHAR2 Dispatcher status: WAIT (idle), SEND (sending a message), RECEIVE (receiving a message), CONNECT (establishing a connection), DISCONNECT (handling a disconnect request), BREAK (handling a break), OUTBOUND (establishing an outbound connection) ACCEPT -- VARCHAR2 Whether this dispatcher is accepting new connections: YES, NO MESSAGES -- NUMBER Number of messages processed by this dispatcher BYTES -- NUMBER Size in bytes of messages processed by this dispatcher BREAKS -- NUMBER Number of breaks occurring in this connection OWNED -- NUMBER Number of circuits owned by this dispatcher CREATED -- NUMBER Number of circuits created by this dispatcher IDLE -- NUMBER Total idle time for this dispatcher, in hundredths of a second BUSY -- NUMBER Total busy time for this dispatcher, in hundredths of a second LISTENER -- NUMBER The most recent Oracle error number that the dispatcher received from the listener V$ENABLEDPRIVS: Which privileges are enabled. PRIV_NUMBER -- NUMBER Numeric identifier of enabled privileges V$EVENT_NAME: This view contains information about wait events. EVENT# -- NUMBER Number of the wait event NAME -- VARCHAR2(64) Name of the wait event PARAMETER1 -- VARCHAR2(64) Description of the first parameter for the wait event PARAMETER2 -- VARCHAR2(64) Description of the second parameter for the wait event PARAMETER3 -- VARCHAR2(64) Description of the third parameter for the wait event V$FALSE_PING: This is a parallel server view. This view shows buffers that may be getting false pings; that is, buffers pinged more than 100 times that are protected by the same lock as another buffer that pinged more than 100 times. Buffers identified as getting false pings can be remapped in GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS to reduce lock collisions. FILE# -- NUMBER Data file identifier number (to find filename, query DBA_ DATA_FILES or V$DBFILES) BLOCK# -- NUMBER Block number STATUS -- VARCHAR2(1) Status of block; FREE = not currently in use XCUR = exclusive SCUR = shared current CR = consistent read READ = being read from disk MREC = in media recovery mode IREC = in instance recovery mode XNC -- NUMBER Number of PCM lock conversions due to contention with another instance NAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the database object containing the block KIND -- VARCHAR2(12) Type of database object: TABLE, CLUSTER, INDEX, or UNDO = rollback segment OWNER# -- NUMBER Owner number LOCK_ELEMENT_ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that is covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are covered by the same PCM lock. For more information, see Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts and Administration. V$FILESTAT: Information about file read/write statistics. Use the FILE# column to join to the V$DATAFILE table, to obtain the file name. FILE# -- NUMBER Number of the file. Can be used to join to V$DATAFILE. PHYRDS -- NUMBER Number of physical reads done PHYWRTS -- NUMBER Number of physical writes done PHYBLKRD -- NUMBER Number of physical blocks read PHYBLKWRT -- NUMBER Number of physical blocks written READTIM -- NUMBER Time spent doing reads if the parameter TIMED_ STATISTICS is TRUE; 0 if FALSE WRITETIM -- NUMBER Time spent doing writes if the parameter TIMED_ STATISTICS is TRUE; 0 if FALSE V$FIXED_TABLE: Shows all fixed tables, views, and derived tables in the database NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the object OBJECT_ID -- NUMBER Identifier of the fixed object TYPE -- VARCHAR2 Object type: TABLE, VIEW TABLE_NUM -- NUMBER Number that identifies the dynamic performance table if it is of type TABLE V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION: This view contains the definitions of all the fixed views (views beginning with V$). Use this table with caution. Oracle tries to keep the behavior of fixed views the same from release to release, but the definitions of the fixed views can change without notice. Use these definitions to optimize your queries by using indexed columns of the dynamic performance tables. VIEW_NAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the dynamic performance table that is indexed VIEW_DEFINITION -- VARCHAR2(2000) T Definition of the view V$INDEXED _FIXED_COLUMN: This view shows the columns in dynamic performance tables (X$ tables) that are indexed. The X$ tables can change without notice. Use this view only to write queries against fixed views (V$ views) more efficiently. TABLE_NAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the dynamic performance table that is indexed INDEX_NUMBER -- NUMBER Number that distinguishes to which index a column belongs COLUMN_NAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the column that is being indexed COLUMN_POSITION -- NUMBER Position of the column in the index key. This is mostly relevant for multicolumn indexes. V$INSTANCE: State of the current instance. KEY -- VARCHAR2 Name of state variable, from the table below VALUE -- NUMBER Value of state variable; may be RESTRICTED MODE -- 0 (False), 1 (True), SHUTDOWN PENDING -- 0 (False), 1 (True), STARTUP TIME-JULIAN -- Start time and date in Julian format, or STARTUP TIME-SECONDS -- Number of seconds since midnight on the startup date V$LATCH: Information about each type of latch. The view contains counts for child latches and summary statistics for parent latches. The different types of latch contention are documented in Chapter 11, Monitoring and Tuning an Existing Database. The higher the ratio of GETMISSES to GETS and IMMEDIATE_MISSES to IMMEDIATE_GETS, the worse your latch contention. ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of latch object LATCH# -- NUMBER Latch number LEVEL# -- NUMBER Latch level NAME -- VARCHAR2(64) Latch Name GETS -- NUMBER Number of times obtained with wait MISSES -- NUMBER Number of times obtained with wait but failed first try SLEEPS -- NUMBER Number of times slept when wanted wait IMMEDIATE_GETS -- NUMBER Number of times obtained with no wait IMMEDIATE_MISSES -- NUMBER Number of times failed to get with no wait WAITERS_WOKEN -- NUMBER Number of times that a waiter has woken WAITS_HOLDING_ LATCH_NUMBER -- Number of waits while holding a different latch SPIN_GETS -- NUMBER Gets that had to spin on more than once to obtain the latch SLEEP1 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 1 time SLEEP2 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 2 times SLEEP3 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 3 times SLEEP4 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 4 times SLEEP5 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 5 times SLEEP6 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 6 times SLEEP7 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 7 times SLEEP8 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 8 times SLEEP9 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 9 times SLEEP10 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 10 times SLEEP11 -- NUMBER Waits that slept 11 times V$LATCHHOLDER: Information about the current latch holders PID -- NUMBER Identifier of process holding the latch SID -- NUMBER Identifier of the session that own the latch LADDR -- RAW(4) Latch address NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the latch being held V$LATCHNAME: This table was used to obtain the latch name in the V$LATCH table. The latch name is now stored in the V$LATCH table, making this table obsolete. LATCH# -- NUMBER Latch number NAME -- VARCHAR2(64) Latch name V$LATCH_CHILDREN: This view contains statistics about child latches. This view includes all columns of V$LATCH plus the CHILD# column. Note that child latches have the same parent if their LATCH# columns match each other. ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of latch object LATCH# -- NUMBER Latch number for a parent latch CHILD# -- NUMBER Child number of a parent latch shown in LATCH# LEVEL# -- NUMBER Latch level NAME -- VARCHAR2(64) Latch name GETS -- NUMBER Number of times gotten wait MISSES -- NUMBER Number of times gotten wait but failed first try SLEEPS -- NUMBER Number of times slept when wanted wait IMMEDIATE_GETS -- NUMBER Number of times gotten without wait IMMEDIATE_MISSES -- NUMBER Number of time failed to get without wait WAITERS_WOKEN -- NUMBER How many times a waiter was woken WAITS_HOLDING_LATCH -- NUMBER Number of waits while holding a different latch SPIN_GETS -- NUMBER Gets that missed first try but succeeded on spin SLEEPn -- NUMBER Waits that slept n times V$LATCH_MISSES: This view contains statistics about missed attempts to acquire a latch. PARENT_NAME -- VARCHAR2 Latch name of a parent latch WHERE -- VARCHAR2 Location that attempted to acquire the latch NWFAIL_COUNT -- NUMBER Number of times that no-wait acquisition of the latch failed SLEEP_COUNT -- NUMBER Number of times that acquisition attempts caused sleeps V$LATCH_PARENT: This view contains statistics about the parent latch. The columns of V$LATCH_PARENT are identical to those in V$LATCH listed earlier. V$LIBRARYCACHE: Statistics on library cache management. If you enlarge your SHARED_POOL_SIZE and see a pronounced reduction in the number of RELOADS, there is a high probability that your performance will be improved. NAMESPACE -- VARCHAR2 Library cache namespace: SQL AREA, TABLE/PROCEDURE, BODY, TRIGGER, INDEX, CLUSTER, OBJECT, PIPE GETHITS -- NUMBER Number of times the handles are already allocated in the cache. If the handle is not already allocated, it is a miss. The handle is then allocated and inserted into the cache. GETHITRATIO -- NUMBER Number of GETHITS divided by GETS. Values close to 1 indicate that most of the handles the system has tried to get are cached. PINS -- NUMBER Number of times the system issues pin requests for objects in the cache to access them PINHITS -- NUMBER Number of times that objects the system is pinning and accessing are already allocated and initialized in the cache. Otherwise, it is a miss, and the system has to allocate it in the cache and initialize it with data queried from the database or generate the data. PINHITRATIO -- NUMBER Number of PINHITS divided by number of PINS. Values close to 1 indicate that most of the objects the system has tried to pin and access have been cached. RELOADS -- NUMBER Number of times that library objects have to be reinitialized and reloaded with data because they have been aged out or invalidated INVALIDATIONS -- NUMBER Number of times that no-persistent library objects (like shared SQL areas) have been invalidated DLM_LOCK_REQUESTS -- NUMBER Number of GET lock instance locks. DLM stands for the distributed lock manager, which is used for parallel server. DLM_PIN_REQUESTS -- NUMBER Number of PIN distributed lock manager locks DLM_PIN_RELEASES -- NUMBER Number of releases on a pin by the distributed lock manager DLM_INVALIDATION_REQUESTS -- NUMBER Number of distributed lock manager requests for invalidation instance locks DLM_INVALIDATIONS -- NUMBER Number of invalidation pings received from other instances V$LICENSE: Information about license limit. SESSIONS_MAX -- NUMBER Maximum number of concurrent user sessions allowed for the instance SESSIONS_WARNING --NUMBER Warning limit for concurrent user sessions for the instance SESSION_CURRENT -- NUMBER Current number of concurrent user sessions SESSION_HIGHWATER -- NUMBER Highest number of concurrent user sessions since the instance started USERS_MAX -- NUMBER Maximum number of named users allowed for the database V$LOADCSTAT: SQL*Loader statistics compiled during the execution of a direct load. These statistics apply to the whole load. Any select against this table results in "no rows returned," since you cannot load data and do a query at the same time. READ -- NUMBER Number of records read REJECTED -- NUMBER Number of records rejected TDISCARD -- NUMBER Total number of discards during the load NDISCARD -- NUMBER Number of discards from the current file SAVEDATA -- NUMBER Whether or not save data points are used V$LOADTSTAT: SQL* Loader statistics compiled during the execution of a direct load. These statistics apply to the current table. Any select against this table results in "no rows returned," since you cannot load data and do a query at the same time. LOADED -- NUMBER Number of records loaded REJECTED -- NUMBER Number of records rejected FAILWHEN -- NUMBER Number of records that failed to meet any WHEN clause ALLNULL -- NUMBER Number of records that were completed LEFT2SKIP -- NUMBER Number of records yet to skip during a continued load The following locks are obtained by user applications. Any process that is blocking others is likely to be holding one of these locks: TM (DML enqueue lock), TX (Transaction enqueue lock), or UL (User supplied lock). The following system locks are held for extremely short periods of time: BL (Buffer hash table instance lock), CF (Cross-instance function invocation instance lock), CI (Control file schema global enqueue lock), CU (Cursor bind lock), DF (Data file instance lock), DM (Mount/startup db primary/secondary instance lock), DR (Distributed recovery process lock), DX )Distributed transaction entry lock), FS (File set lock), IN (Instance number lock), IR (Instance recovery serialization global enqueue lock), IS (Instance state lock), IV (Library cache invalidation instance lock), JQ (Job queue lock), KK (Thread kick lock) LA..LP (Library cache lock instance lock (A..P=namespace), MM (Mount definition global enqueue lock) MR (Media recovery lock), NA..NZ (Library cache pin instance lock (A..Z=namespace)), PF (Password file lock), PI,PS (Parallel lock operations), PR (Process startup lock), QA..QZ (Row cache instance lock (A..Z=cache)), RT (Redo thread global enqueue lock), SC (System commit number instance lock), SM (SMON Lock), SN (Sequence number instance lock), SQ (Sequence number enqueue lock), SS (Sort segment locks), ST (Space transaction enqueue lock, SV (Sequence number value lock), TA (Generic enqueue lock), TS (Temporary segment enqueue lock (ID2=0) or New block allocation enqueue lock (ID2=1), TT (Temporary table enqueue lock), UN (User name lock), US (Rollback segment DDL lock), or WL (Being-written redo log instance lock). V$LOCK: This view lists the locks currently held by the Oracle7 server and outstanding requests for a lock or latch. The SID column in this table can be used to find the user that is holding the lock. The column ID1 has various meaning depending on the lock type, but the most important use of the column is for a transaction lock, when ID1 is the OBJECT_ID column in the ALL_OBJECTS view. ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of lock state object KADDR -- RAW(4) Address of lock SID -- NUMBER Identifier for session holding or acquiring the lock TYPE -- VARCHAR2(2) Type of lock: MR (Media Recovery), RT (Redo Thread), UN (User Name), TX (Transaction), TM (DML), UL (PL/SQL User Lock), DX (Distributed Xaction), CF (Control File), IS (Instance State), DS (File Set), IR (Instance Recovery), ST (Disk Space Transaction), TS (Temp Segment), IV (Library Cache Invalidation), LS (Log Start or Switch), RW (Row Wait), SQ (Sequence Number), TE (Extend Table), TT (Temp Table). ID1 -- NUMBER Lock identifier #1 (depends on type) ID2 -- NUMBER Lock identifier #2 (depends on type) LMODE -- NUMBER Mode the lock is currently held in by the session: 0, None 1, Null 2, Row-S (SS) 3, Row-X (SX) 4, Share 5, S/Row-X (SSX) 6, Exclusive REQUEST -- NUMBER Mode of the lock requested by the process 0, None 1, Null 2, Row-S (SS) 3, Row-X (SX) 4, Share 5, S/Row-X (SSX) 6, Exclusive CTIME -- NUMBER Time since current mode was granted BLOCK -- NUMBER The lock is blocking another lock V$LOCK_ACTIVITY: This is a Parallel Server view. V$LOCK_ACTIVITY shows the DLM lock operation activity of the current instance. Each row corresponds to a type of lock operation. FROM_VAL -- VARCHAR2(4) PCM lock initial state: NULL, S, X, or SSX TO_VAL -- VARCHAR2(4) PCM lock initial state: NULL, S, X, or SSX ACTION_VAL -- VARCHAR2(51) Description of lock conversations Lock buffers for read Lock buffers for write Make buffers CR (no write) Upgrade read lock to write Make buffers CR (write dirty buffers) Downgrade write lock to read (write dirty buffers) Write transaction table/undo blocks Transaction table/undo blocks (write dirty buffers) Make transaction table/undo blocks available share Rearm transaction table write mechanism COUNTER -- NUMBER V$LOCK_ELEMENT: This is a Parallel Server view. LOCK_ELEMENT_ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that is covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are covered by the same PCM lock. INDX -- NUMBER Platform specific lock manager identifier CLASS -- NUMBER Platform specific lock manager identifier MODE_HELD -- NUMBER Platform dependent value for lock mode held; often: 3 = share, or 5 = exclusive BLOCK_COUNT -- NUMBER Number of blocks covered by PCM lock RELEASING -- NUMBER Nonzero if PCM lock is being downgraded ACQUIRING -- NUMBER Nonzero if PCM lock is being upgraded INVALID -- NUMBER Nonzero if PCK lock is invalid. (A lock may become invalid after a system failure.) V$LOCKED_OBJECT: This view lists all locks acquired by every transaction on the system. XIDUSN -- NUMBER Undo segment number XIDSLOT -- NUMBER Slot number XIDSQN -- NUMBER Sequence number OBJECT_ID -- NUMBER Object ID being locked SESSION_ID -- NUMBER Session ID Oracle_USERNAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Oracle user name OS_USER_NAME -- VARCHAR2(15) OS user name PROCESS -- VARCHAR2(9) OS process ID LOCKED_MODE -- NUMBER Lock mode V$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS: This is a parallel server view. LOCK_ELEMENT_ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are covered by the same PCM lock. V$LOG: Log file information from control file. GROUP# -- NUMBER Log group number THREAD# -- NUMBER Log thread number SEQUENCE# -- NUMBER Log sequence number BYTES -- NUMBER Size of the log in bytes MEMBERS -- NUMBER Number of members in the log group ARCHIVED -- VARCHAR2 Archived status: TRUE, FALSE STATUS -- VARCHAR2(16) Can have the value: UNUSED, which indicates that the log has never been written to CURRENT if the log is current redo log being written to ACTIVE means that the redo log is not the current one being written to but it is active and can be written to CLEARING means that somebody has used the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE command CLEARING_CURRENT means that the log is currently being cleared INACTIVE means the redo log is no longer required for instance recovery. FIRST_CHANGE# -- NUMBER Lowest SCN in the log FIRST_TIME -- VARCHAR2 Time of first SCN in the log V$LOGFILE: Information about redo log files GROUP# -- NUMBER Redo log group identifier number STATUS -- VARCHAR2 Status of this log member: INVALID (file is inaccessible), STALE (file's contents are incomplete), DELETED (file is no longer used), or blank (file is in use) MEMBER -- VARCHAR2 Redo log member name V$LOGHIST: Log history information from the control file. This view is retained for historical compatibility. Use of V$LOG_HISTORY is recommended instead. THREAD# -- NUMBER Log thread number SEQUENCE# -- NUMBER Log sequence number FIRST_CHANGE# -- NUMBER Lowest SCN in the log FIRST_TIME -- VARCHAR2 TIME OF FIRST SCN in the log SWITCH_CHANGE# -- NUMBER SCN at which the log switch occurred; one more than highest SCN in the log V$LOG_HISTORY: Archived log names for all logs in the log history. THREAD# -- NUMBER Thread number of the archived log SEQUENCE# -- NUMBER Sequence number of the archived log TIME -- NUMBER Time of first entry (lowest SCN) in the log LOG_CHANGE# -- NUMBER Lowest SCN in the log HIGH_CHANGE# -- NUMBER Highest SCN in the log ARCHIVE_NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of file when archived, using the naming convention specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter V$MLS_PARAMETERS: This is a Trusted Oracle7 server view that lists Trusted Oracle7 server-specific initialization parameters. V$MTS: This view contains information for tuning the multithreaded server. MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONSi -- NUMBER Maximum number of connections each dispatcher can support. This value is determined at startup time using SQL*Net constants and other port-specific information. SERVERS_STARTED -- NUMBER Total number of multithreaded servers started since the instance started (but not including those started during startup) SERVERS_TERMINATED -- NUMBER Total number of multithreaded servers stopped by Oracle since the instance started SERVERS_HIGHWATER -- NUMBER Highest number of servers running at one time since the instance started. If this value reaches the value set for the MTS_MAX_SERVERS initialization parameter, consider raising the value of MTS_MAX_SERVERS. V$MYSTAT: This view contains statistics on the current session. SID -- NUMBER ID of the current session STATISTIC# -- NUMBER Number of the statistic VALUE -- NUMBER Value of the statistic V$NLS_PARAMETERS: Current values of NLS parameter. PARAMETER -- VARCHAR2 Parameter name: NLS_LANGUAGE, NLS_SORT, NLS_ TERRITORY, NLS_CHARACTERSET, NLS_CURRENCY, NLS_ ISO_CURRENCY, NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS, NLS_ FORMAT, NLS_DATA_LANGUAGE VALUE -- VARCHAR2 NLS parameter value V$NLS_VALID_VALUES: This view lists all valid values for NLS parameters. PARAMETER -- VARCHAR2(64) NLS_* parameter: LANGUAGE, SORT, TERRITORY, CHARACTERSET VALUE -- VARCHAR2(64) NLS_* parameter value V$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY: This view can be used to determine what objects are depended on by a package, procedure, or cursor that is currently loaded in the shared pool. For example, together with V$SESSION and V$SQL, it can be used to determine which tables are used in the SQL statement that a user is currently executing. FROM_ADDRESS -- RAW(4) Address of a procedure, package, or cursor that is currently loaded in the shared pool FROM_HASH -- NUMBER Hash value of a procedure, package, or cursor that is currently loaded in the shared pool TO_OWNER -- VARCHAR2(64) Owner of the object that is depended on TO_NAME -- VARCHAR2(1000) Name of the object that is depended on TO_ADDRESS -- RAW(4) Address of the object that is depended on. These can be used to look up more information on the object in V$DB_ OBJECT_CACHE. TO_HASH -- NUMBER Hash number of the object that is depended on. Use this column to obtain more information from the V$DB_ OBJECT_CACHE table. TO_TYPE -- NUMBER Type of the object that is depended on V$OPEN_CURSOR: Cursors that each user session currently has opened and parsed SADDR -- RAW Session address SID -- NUMBER Session identifier. Join this column to V$SESSION to obtain more information about the session. USER_NAME -- VARCHAR2 User that is logged into the session ADDRESS -- RAW Used with HASH_VALUE to uniquely identify the SQL statement being executed in the session HASH_VALUE -- NUMBER Used with ADDRESS to uniquely identify the SQL statement being executed in the session SQL_TEXT -- VARCHAR2 First 60 characters of the SQL statement that is parsed into the open cursor V$OPTION: This view lists options that are installed with the Oracle7 server. PARAMETER -- VARCHAR2(64) Name of the option VALUE -- VARCHAR2(64) TRUE if the option is installed V$PARAMETER: Information about current INIT.ORA parameter values NUM -- NUMBER Parameter number NAME -- VARCHAR2(64) Parameter name TYPE -- NUMBER Parameter type VALUE -- VARCHAR2(512) Parameter value ISDEFAULT -- VARCHAR2(9) Default value in use: TRUE, FALSE V$PING: This is a parallel server view. The V$PING view is identical to the V$CACHE view but only shows blocks that have been pinged at least once. This view contains information from the block header of each block in the SGA of the current instance as related to particular database objects. FILE# -- NUMBER Data file identifier number (to find filename, query DBA_ DATA_FILES or V$DBFILES) BLOCK# -- NUMBER Block number STATUS -- VARCHAR2(1) Status of block: FREE = not currently in use XCUR = exclusive SCUR = shared current CR = consistent read READ = being read from disk MREC = in media recovery mode IREC = in instance recovery mode XNC -- NUMBER Number of PCM lock conversions due to contention with another instance LOCK_ELEMENT_ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that is covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are covered by the same PCM lock. NAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the database object containing the block KIND -- VARCHAR2(12) Type of database object: TABLE, CLUSTER, INDEX, UNDO = rollback segment OWNER# -- NUMBER Owner number V$PQ_SESSTAT: This view lists session statistics for parallel queries. STATISTIC -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the statistic LAST_QUERY -- NUMBER Value of the statistic for the last query SESSION_TOTAL -- NUMBER Value of the statistic for the entire session to this point in time V$PQ_SLAVE: This view lists statistics for each of the active parallel query servers on an instance. SLAVE_NAME -- VARCHAR2(4) Name of the parallel query server STATUS -- VARCHAR2(4) Current status of the parallel query server (BUSY or IDEL) SESSIONS -- NUMBER Number of sessions that have used this parallel query server IDLE_TIME_CUR -- NUMBER Amount of time spent idle while processing statements in the current session BUSY_TIME_CUR -- NUMBER Amount of time spent busy while processing statements in the current session CPU_SECS_CUR -- NUMBER Amount of CPU time spent on the current session MSGS_SENT_CUR -- NUMBER Number of messages sent while processing statements for the current session MSGS_RCVD_CUR -- NUMBER Number of messages received while processing statements for the current session IDLE_TIME_TOTAL -- NUMBER Total amount of time this query server has been idle BUSY_TIME_TOTAL -- NUMBER Total amount of time this query server has been active CPU_SECS_TOTAL -- NUMBER Total amount of CPU time this query server has used to process statements MSGS_SENT_TOTAL -- NUMBER Total number of messages this query server has sent MSGS_RCVD_TOTAL -- NUMBER Total number of messages this query server has received V$PQ_SYSSTAT: This view lists system statistics for parallel queries. STATISTIC -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the statistic VALUE -- NUMBER Value of the statistic V$PQ_TQSTAT: This view contains statistics on parallel query operations. The statistics are compiled after the query completes and remain only for the duration of the session. It shows the number of rows processed through each parallel query server at each stage of the execution tree. This view can help to determine skew problems in a query's execution. DFO_NUMBER -- NUMBER Data flow operator (DFO) tree number to differentiate queries TQ_ID -- NUMBER Table queue ID within the query, which represents the connection between two DFO nodes in the query execution tree SERVER_TYPE -- VARCHAR2(10) Role in table queue - producer / consumer / ranger NUM_ROWS -- NUMBER Number of rows produced / consumed BYTES -- NUMBER Number of bytes produced / consumed OPEN_TIME -- NUMBER Seconds the table queue remained open AVG_LATENCY -- NUMBER Time (ms) for a message to be dequeued after it enters the queue WAITS -- NUMBER Number of wits encountered when dequeueing TIMEOUTS -- NUMBER Number of timeouts when waiting for a message PROCESS -- VARCHAR2(10) Process ID INSTANCE -- NUMBER Instance ID V$PROCESS: Information about currently active processes ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of process state object PID -- NUMBER Oracle process identifier SPID -- VARCHAR2 Operating system process identifier USERNAME -- VARCHAR2 Operating system process username. Any two-task user coming across the network has "-T" appended to the username. SERIAL# -- NUMBER Process serial number TERMINAL -- VARCHAR2 Operating system terminal identifier PROGRAM -- VARCHAR2 Program in progress BACKGROUND -- VARCHAR2 1 for a background process; null for a normal process LATCHWAIT -- VARCHAR2 Address of latch waiting for; null if none LATCHSPIN -- VARCHAR2 Address of latch the process is being spun on; null if none V$PWFILE_USERS: This view lists users who have been granted SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges as derived from the password file. USERNAME -- VARCHAR2(30) Name of the user that is contained in the password file SYSDBA -- VARCHAR2(5) If the value of this column is TRUE, the user can connect with SYSDBA privileges SYSOPER -- VARCHAR2(5) If the value of this column is TRUE, the user can connect with SYSOPER privileges V$QUEUE: Information on the multithread message queue. PADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the process that owns the queue TYPE -- VARCHAR2 Type of queue: COMMON (processed by servers), OUTBOUND (used by remote servers), DISPATCHER. QUEUE -- NUMBER Number of items in the queue WAIT -- NUMBER Total time that all items in this queue have waited. Divide by TOTALQ for average wait per item. TOTALQ -- NUMBER Total number of items that have ever been in the queue V$RECOVERY_LOG: Archived logs needed to complete media recovery. This information is derived from the log history (V$LOG_HISTORY). The amount of information available is limited by the setting of the MAX_LOG_HISTORY intialization parameter. THREAD# -- NUMBER Thread number of the archived log SEQUENCE# -- NUMBER Sequence number of the archived log TIME -- VARCHAR2 Time of first entry (lowest SCN) in the log ARCHIVE_NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the file when it is archived, using the naming convention specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter V$RECOVER_FILE: Status of files needing media recovery FILE# -- NUMBER File identifier number ONLINE -- VARCHAR2 Online status: ONLINE, OFFLINE ERROR -- VARCHAR2 Why the file needs to be recovered: NULL if reason unknown, or OFFLINE NORMAL if recovery not needed CHANGE# -- NUMBER SCN where recovery must start TIME -- VARCHAR2 Time of SCN where recovery must start V$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS: This view contains one row for each datafile for each RECOVER command. FILENUM -- NUMBER Number of the file being recovered FILENAME -- VARCHAR2(257) Filename of the datafile being recovered STATUS -- VARCHAR2(13) Status of the recovery Contains one of the following values: IN RECOVERY, CURRENT, or NOT RECOVERED V$RECOVERY_STATUS: This view contains statistics of the current recovery process. RECOVERY_CHECKPOINT -- VARCHAR2(20) Point in time to which the recovery has occurred. If no logs have been applied, this is the point in time the recovery starts THREAD -- NUMBER Number of the redo thread currently being processed SEQUENCE_NEEDED -- NUMBER Log sequence number of the log needed by the recovery process. The value is 0 if no log is needed SCN_NEEDED -- VARCHAR2(16) Low SCN of the log needed by recovery. The value is 0 if unknown or no log is needed TIME_NEEDED -- VARCHAR2(20) Time when the log was created. The value is midnight on 1/1/88 if the time is unknown or if no log is needed. PREVIOUS_LOG_NAME -- VARCHAR2(257) Filename of the log PREVIOUS_LOG_STATUS -- VARCHAR2(13) Status of the previous log. Contains one of the following values: RELEASE, WRONG NAME, MISSING NAME,UNNEEDED NAME, or NONE REASON -- VARCHAR2(13) Reason recovery is returning control to the user. Contains one of the following values: NEED LOG, LOG REUSED, or THREAD DISABLED V$REQDIST: Histogram of request times, divided into 12 buckets, or ranges of time. The time ranges grow exponentially as a function of the bucket number. BUCKET -- NUMBER Bucket number: 0.11; maximum time for each bucket is (4*2N)/100 seconds COUNT -- NUMBER Count of requests whose total time to complete (excluding wait time) falls in this range. V$RESOURCE: Information about resources ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of resource object TYPE -- VARCHAR2 Resource type ID1 -- NUMBER Resource identifier #1 ID2 -- NUMBER Resource identifier #2 V$ROLLNAME: Names of all online rollback segments. Join this table with the V$ROLLSTAT using the USN column table to obtain a collection of rollback segment performance statistics. USN -- NUMBER Rollback ("undo") segment number NAME -- VARCHAR2 Rollback segment name V$ROLLSTAT: Statistics for all online rollback segments. Make sure that your OPTIMAL setting is not set too low. This is identified by the SHRINKS figure being significant. Another interesting column is the WAITS column. A small number of waits can often mean a significant number of transactions have had to wait for the rollback segments. Consider adding more rollback segments to get the WAITS figure down to zero. USN -- NUMBER Rollback segment number EXTENTS -- NUMBER Number of rollback extents RSSIZE -- NUMBER Size in bytes of rollback segment WRITES -- NUMBER Number of bytes written to rollback segment XACTS -- NUMBER Number of active transactions GETS -- NUMBER Number of header gets WAITS -- NUMBER Number of header waits OPTSIZE -- NUMBER Optimal size of rollback segment HWMSIZE -- NUMBER High water mark of rollback segment SHRINKS -- NUMBER Number of times rollback segment shrank, eliminating one or more additional extents each time WRAPS -- NUMBER Number of times rollback segment wraps from one extent to another EXTENDS -- NUMBER Number of times rollback segment was extended to have a new extent AVESHRINK -- NUMBER Total size of freed extents divided by number of shrinks AVEACTIVE -- NUMBER Current average size of active extents, where "active" extents have uncommitted transaction data STATUS -- VARCHAR2(15) ONLINE if the segment is online, or PENDING OFFLINE if the segment is going offline but some active (distributed) transactions are using the rollback segment. When the transactions are complete, the segment goes offline. CUREXT -- NUMBER Current extent CURBLK -- NUMBER Current block V$ROWCACHE: Statistics for data dictionary activity. (Each row contains statistics for one data dictionary cache.) CACHE# -- NUMBER Row cache ID number TYPE -- VARCHAR2 Parent or subordinate row cache type SUBORDINATE# -- NUMBER Subordinate set number PARAMETER -- VARCHAR2 SHARED_POOL_SIZE automatically adjusts the dictionary cache parameters. COUNT -- NUMBER Total number of entries in the cache USAGE -- NUMBER Number of cache entries that contain valid data FIXED -- NUMBER Number of fixed entries in the cache GETS -- NUMBER Total number of requests for information on the data object GETMISSES -- NUMBER Number of data requests resulting in cache misses SCANS -- NUMBER Number of scan requests SCANMISSES -- NUMBER Number of times a scan failed to find the data in the cache SCANCOMPLETES -- NUMBER For a list of subordinate entries, the number of times the list was scanned completely MODIFICATIONS -- NUMBER Number of inserts, updates, and deletions FLUSHES -- NUMBER Number of times flushed to disk V$SECONDARY: A Trusted Oracle view that lists secondary mounted databases. For details, see the Trusted Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide. V$SESSION: Session information for each current session. This table contains a lot of useful tuning information. The LOCKWAIT column indicates that the user cannot currently access an object because another user has it locked. You can also obtain the statement that the user is running by joining the SQL_ADDRESS and SQL_ HASH_VALUE columns with the ADDRESS and HASH_VALUE columns in the V$SQLAREA table. The V$SESSION also now contains information on the row being locked. SADDR -- RAW(4) Session address SID -- NUMBER Session identifier SERIAL# -- NUMBER Session serial number. Used to uniquely identify a session's objects. Guarantees that session-level commands are applied to the correct session objects in the event that the session ends and another AUDSID -- NUMBER Auditing session ID PADDR -- RAW(4) Address of the process that owns this session USER# -- NUMBER Oracle user identifier USERNAME -- VARCHAR2 Oracle user name COMMAND -- NUMBER Command in progress; see the command table below TADDR -- VARCHAR2 Address of transaction state object LOCKWAIT -- VARCHAR2 Address of lock waiting for; null if none STATUS -- VARCHAR2 Status of the session: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, KILLED SERVER -- VARCHAR2 Server type: DEDICATED, SHARED, PSEUDO, NONE SCHEMA# -- NUMBER Schema user identifier SCHEMANAME -- VARCHAR2 Schema user name OSUSER -- VARCHAR2 Operating system client user name PROCESS -- VARCHAR2 Operating system client process ID MACHINE -- VARCHAR2 Operating system machine name TERMINAL -- VARCHAR2 Operating system terminal name PROGRAM -- VARCHAR2 Operating system program name TYPE -- VARCHAR2 Session type SQL_ADDRESS -- RAW(4) Used with SQL_HASH_VALUE to identify the SQL statement that is currently being executed SQL_HASH_VALUE -- NUMBER Used with SQL_ADDRESS to identify the SQL statement that is currently being executed MODULE -- VARCHAR2(48) Contains the name of the currently executing module as set by calling the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE procedure MODULE_HASH -- NUMBER The hash value of the above module_name ACTION -- VARCHAR2(32) Contains the name of the currently executing action as set by calling the dbms_application_info.set_action procedure. ACTION_HASH -- NUMBER The hash value of the above action name CLIENT_INFO -- VARCHAR2(64) Information set by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ CLIENT_INFO procedure FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE -- NUMBER Contains a number that increases every time the session completes a call to the database and there has been an intervening select from dynamic performance table. This column can be used by performance monitors that monitor statistics in the database. Each time the performance monitor looks at the database, it needs to look only at sessions that are currently active or have a higher value in this column then the highest value that the performance monitor saw the last time. All the other sessions have been idle since the last time the performance monitor looked at the database. ROW_WAIT_OBJ# -- NUMBER Object ID for the table containing the rowid specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW# ROW_WAIT_FILE# -- NUMBER Identifier for the datafile containing the rowid specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is nonzero ROW_WAIT_BLOCK# -- NUMBER Identifier for the block containing the rowid specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is nonzero. ROW _WAIT_ROW# -- NUMBER The current rowid being locked. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is nonzero. The following table lists numeric values corresponding to commands that may be in progress during a session. These values may appear in the V$SESSION COMMAND column. They also appear in the data dictionary view SYS.AUDIT_ACTIONS. 1 CREATE TABLE 2 INSERT 3 SELECT 4 CREATE CLUSTER 5 ALTER CLUSTER 6 UPDATE 7 DELETE 8 DROP 9 CREATE INDEX 10 DROP INDEX 11 ALTER INDEX 12 DROP TABLE 13 - 14 - 15 ALTER TABLE 16 - 17 GRANT 18 REVOKE 19 CREATE SYNONYM 20 DROP SYNONYM 21 CREATE VIEW 22 DROP VIEW 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 LOCK TABLE 27 NO OPERATION 28 RENAME 29 COMMENT 30 AUDIT 31 NOAUDIT 32 CREATE EXTERNAL DATABASE 33 DROP EXTERNAL DATABASE 34 CREATE DATABASE 35 ALTER DATABASE 36 CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT 37 ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT 38 DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT 39 CREATE TABLESPACE 40 ALTER TABLESPACE 41 DROP TABLESPACE 42 ALTER SESSION 43 ALTER USER 44 COMMIT 45 ROLLBACK 46 SAVEPOINT V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO: This view displays information about network connections for the current session. SID -- NUMBER Session identifier (can be used to join this view with V$SESSION) AUTHENTICATION_TYPE -- VARCHAR2(15) How the user was authenticated: OS, PROTOCOL, or NETWORK. OSUSER -- VARCHAR2(30) The external username for this database user NETWORK_SERVICE_BANNER -- VARCHAR2(2000) Product banners for each SQL*Net service used for this connection (one row per banner) V$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE: This view displays information on cursor usage for the current session. SID -- NUMBER Session identifier MAXIMUM -- NUMBER Maximum number of cursors to cache. Once you hit this number, some cursors will need to be closed to open more. COUNT-- NUMBER Current number of cursors (in use or not) OPENED_ONCE -- NUMBER Number of cursors opened at least once OPEN -- NUMBER Current number of open cursors OPENS -- NUMBER Cumulative total of cursor opens HITS -- NUMBER Cumulative total of cursor open hits HIT_RATIO -- NUMBER Ratio of the number of times we found an open cursor divided by the number of times we looked for a cursor V$SESSION_EVENT: This view lists information on waits for an event by a session. Note that the TIME_WAITED and AVERAGE_WAIT columns will contain a value of zero on those platforms that do not support a fast timing mechanism. If you are running on one of these platforms and you wish this column to reflect true wait times, you must set TIMED_STATISTICS to TRUE in the parameter file. Please remember that doing this will have a small negative effect on system performance. SID -- NUMBER The ID of the session EVENT -- VARCHAR2(64) The name of the wait event TOTAL_WAITS -- NUMBER The total number of waits for this event by this session TOTAL_TIMEOUTS -- NUMBER The total number of timeouts for this event by this session TIME_WAITED -- NUMBER The total amount of time waited for this event by this session, in hundredths of a second AVERAGE_WAIT -- NUBMER The average amount of time waited for this event by this session, in hundredths of a second V$SESSION_WAIT: This view lists the resources or events for which active sessions are waiting . Many DBAs find this table useful to obtain a snapshot of any waits that are occurring on the database at any given point in time. Join the SID with the column of the same name in the V$SESSION event to obtain the users name, as well as other useful information. The following are tuning considerations: P1RAW, P2RAW, and P3RAW display the same values as the P1, P2, and P3 columns, except that the numbers are displayed in hex. The WAIT_TIME column contains a value of minus 2 on platforms that do not support a fast timing mechanism. If you are running on one of these platforms and you wish this column to reflect true wait times, you must set the TIMED_STATISTICS parameters to TRU. Remember that doing this has a small negative effect on system performance. In previous releases, the WAIT_TIME column contained an arbitrarily large value instead of a negative value to indicate the platform did not have a fast timing mechanism. The STATE column interprets the value of WAIT_TIME and describes the state of the current or most recent wait. SID -- NUMBER Session identifier SWQ# -- NUMBER Sequence number that uniquely identifies this wait. Increments for each wait. EVENT -- VARCHAR2 Resource or event the session is waiting for P1TEXT -- VARCHAR2 Description of first additional parameter P1 -- NUMBER First additional parameter P1RAW -- RAW(4) More information on first parameter P2TEXT -- VARCHAR2 Description of second parameter P2 -- NUMBER Second additional parameter P2RAW -- RAW(4) More information on second parameter P3TEXT -- VARCHAR2 Description of third parameter P3 -- NUMBER Third additional parameter P3RAW -- RAW(4) More information on third parameter WAIT_TIME -- NUMBER A nonzero value is the session's last wait time. A zero value means that the session is currently waiting. STATE -- VARCHAR2 Wait state (see following table) V$SESSTAT: For each current session, the current statistics values. SID -- NUMBER Session identifier STATISTIC# -- NUMBER Statistic number (identifier) VALUE -- NUMBER Statistic value V$SESS_IO: I/O statistics for each user session. You can obtain the individual users hit ratios from joining this table to the V$SESSION using the SID column. If one user has a poor hit ratio, you must find out the SQL that they have been running. SID -- NUMBER Session identifier BLOCK_GETS -- NUMBER Block gets for this session CONSISTENT_GETS -- NUMBER Consistent gets for this session PHYSICAL_READS -- NUMBER Physical reads for this session BLOCK_CHANGES -- NUMBER Block changes for this session CONSISTENT_CHANGES# -- NUMBER Consistent changes for this session V$SGA: Summary information on the System Global Area. NAME -- VARCHAR2 SGA component group VALUE -- NUMBER Memory size in bytes V$SGASTAT: Detailed information on the System Global Area. NAME -- VARCHAR2 SGA component name BYTES -- NUMBER Memory size in bytes V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED: This fixed view lists statistics that help you to tune the reserved pool and space within the shared pool. The following columns of V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED are valid only if the intialization parameter SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE is set to a valid value. FREE_SPACE -- NUMBER Total amount of free space on the reserved list AVG_FREE_SIZE -- NUMBER Average size of the free memory on the reserve list FREE_COUNT -- NUMBER Number of free pieces of memory on the reserved list MAX_FREE_SIZE -- NUMBER Size of the largest free piece of memory on the reserved list USED_SPACE -- NUMBER Total amount of used memory on the reserved list AVG_USED_SIZE -- NUMBER Average size of the used memory on the reserved list USED_COUNT -- NUMBER Number of used pieces of memory on the reserved list MAX_USED_SIZE -- NUMBER Size of the largest used piece of memory on the reserved list REQUESTS -- NUMBER Number of times that the reserved listed was searched for a free piece of memory REQUEST_MISSES -- NUMBER Number of times the reserved list did not have a free piece of memory to satisfy the request, and started flushing objects from the LRU list LAST_MISS_SIZE -- NUMBER Request size of the last request miss, when the reserve list did not have a free piece of memory to satisfy the request and started flushing objects from the LRU list MAX_MISS_SIZE -- NUMBER Request size of the largest request miss, when the reserved list did not have a free piece of memory to satisfy the request the started flushing objects from the LRU list The following columns of V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED contains values that are valid even if SHARED_POOL_ RESERVED_SIZE is not set. REQUEST_FAILURES -- NUMBER Number of times that no memory was found to satisfy a request (that is, the number of times the error ORA-4031 occurred) LAST_FAILURE_SIZE -- NUMBER Request size of the last failed request (that is, the request size for the last ORA-4031 error) ABORTED_REQUEST_THRESHOLD -- NUMBER Minimum size of request that signals an ORA-4031 error without flushing objects ABORTED_REQUSTS -- NUMBER Number of requests that signaled an ORA-4031 error without flushing objects LAST_ABORTED_SIZE -- NUMBER Last size of the request that returned an ORA_4031 error without flushing objects from the LRU list V$SHARED_SERVER: Information on the shared server processes NAME -- VARCHAR2 Name of the server PADDR -- RAW(4) Server's process address STATUS -- VARCHAR2 Server status: EXEC (executing SQL), WAIT (ENQ) (waiting for a lock), WAIT (SEND) (waiting to send data to user), WAIT (COMMON) (idle; waiting for a user request), WAIT (RESET) (waiting for a circuit to reset after a break), QUIT (terminating) MESSAGES -- NUMBER Number of messages processed BYTES -- NUMBER Total number of bytes in all messages BREAKS -- NUMBER Number of breaks CIRCUIT -- RAW(4) Address of circuit currently being serviced IDLE -- NUMBER Total idle time in hundredths of a second BUSY -- NUMBER Total busy time in hundredths of a second REQUESTS -- NUMBER Total number of requests taken from the common queue in this server's lifetime V$SORT_SEGMENT: This view contains information about every sort segment in a given instance. TABLESPACE_NAME - VARCHAR2(31) Name of tablespace SEGMENT_FILE -- NUMBER File number of the first extent SEGMENT_BLOCK -- NUMBER Block number of the first extent EXTENT_SIZE -- NUMBER Extent size CURRENT_USERS -- NUMBER Number of active users of the segment TOTAL_EXTENTS -- NUMBER Total number of extents in the segment TOTAL_BLOCKS -- NUMBER Total number of blocks in the segment USED_EXTENTS -- NUMBER Extents allocated to active sorts USED_BLOCKS -- NUMBER Blocks allocated to active sorts FREE_EXTENTS -- NUMBER Extents not allocated to any sort FREE_BLOCKS -- NUMBER Blocks not allocated to any sort ADDED_EXTENTS -- NUMBER Number of extent allocations EXTENT_HITS -- NUMBER Number of times an unused extent was found in the pool FREE_EXTENTS -- NUMBER Number of deallocated extents FREE_REQUESTS -- NUMBER Number of requests of deallocate MAX_SIZE -- NUMBER Maximum number of extents ever used MAX_BLOCKS -- NUMBER Maximum number of blocks ever used MAX_USED_SIZE -- NUMBER Maximum number of blocks used by all sorts MAX_SORT_SIZE -- NUMBER Maximum number of extents used by an individual sort MAX_SORT_BLOCKS -- NUMBER Maximum number of blocks used by an individual sort V$SQL: This view lists statistics on shared SQL area without the GROUP BY clause and contains one row for each child of the original SQL text entered. SQL_TEXT -- VARCHAR2(1000) The first 80 characters of the SQL text for the current cursor SHARABLE_MEM -- NUMBER Sum of all sharable memory, in bytes, of all the child cursors under this parent PERSISTENT_MEM -- NUMBER Sum of all persistent memory, in bytes, of all the child cursors under this parent RUNTIME_MEM -- NUMBER Sum of all the ephemeral frame sizes of all the children SORTS -- NUMBER Sum of the number of sorts that was done for all the children LOADED_VERSIONS -- NUMBER Number of children that are present in the cache AND have their context heap 9KGL heap 6) loaded OPEN_VERSIONS -- NUMBER Number of child cursors that are currently open under this current this parent USERS_OPENING -- NUMBER Number of users that have any of the child cursors open EXECUTIONS -- NUMBER Number of executions that tool place on this object since it was brought into the library cache USERS_EXECUTING -- NUBMER Sum of all users executing the statement over all children LOADS -- NUMBER Number of times the object was loaded or reloaded FIRST_LOAD_TIME -- VARCHAR2(19) Time stamp of the parent creation time INVALIDATIONS -- NUMBER Sum of invalidations over all the children PARSE_CALLS -- NUMBER Sum of all parse calls to all the child cursors under this parent DISK_READS -- NUMBER Sum of the number of disk reads over all child cursors BUFFER_GETS -- NUMBER Sum of buffer gets over all child cursors POWS_PROCESSED -- NUMBER Total number of rows the parsed SQL statement returns COMMAND_TYPE -- NUMBER Oracle command type definition OPTIMIZER_MODE -- VARCHAR2(10) OPTIMZER used to execute the SQL statement PARSING_USER_ID -- NUMBER User ID of the user that has parsed the very first cursor under this parent PARSING_SCHEMA_ID -- NUMBER Schema ID that was used to parse this child cursor KEPT_VERSIONS -- NUMBER Number of child cursors that have been marked to be kept using the DBMS_SHARED_POOL package ADDRESS -- RAW(4) Address of the handle to the parent for this cursor HASH_VALUE -- NUMBER Hash value of the parent statement in the library cache CHILD_NUMBER -- NUMBER Number of child of the original SQL text, beginning from 0 MODULE -- VARCHAR2(64) Contains the name of the module that was executing at the time that the SQL statement was first parsed as set by calling DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE MODULE_HASH -- NUMBER The has value of the module that is named in the MODULE column ACTION -- VARCHAR2(64) Contains the name of the action that was executing at the time that the SQL statement was first parsed as set by calling SBMS_APPLICATION_INFO. SET_ACTION ACTION_HASH -- NUMBER Hash value of the action that is named in the action column SERIALIZABLE_ABORTS -- NUMBER Number of times the transaction fails to serialize, producing ORA_8177 errors, per cursor V$SQLAREA: Statistics on the shared cursor cache. Each row has statistics on one shared cursor. One useful piece of information for OLTP applications is to obtain the SQL_TEXT where DISK_READS / EXECUTIONS / 50 > 3. Assuming 50 I/Os per second, the computation will give you all of teh SQL statements that will give the users a response time greater that 3 seconds. SQL_TEXT -- VARCHAR2(1000) Text of the SQL statement requiring the cursor, or the PL/SQL anonymous code SHARABLE_MEM -- NUMBER Amount of memory in bytes that is sharable between users PERSISTENT_MEM -- NUMBER Amount of per-user memory in bytes that persists for the life of the cursor RUNTIME_MEM -- NUMBER Amount of pre-user memory, in bytes, that is needed only during execution SORTS -- NUMBER Number of sorts performed by the SQL statement. VERSION_COUNT -- NUMBER Number of different versions of this cursor. The same SQL text might be used by different users, each on their own version of a table (for example, "SELECT* from EMP" by SCOTT and JONES, when they each have their own version of EMP). In that case, multiple versions of the cursor would exist. LOADED_VERSIONS -- NUMBER Versions of the cursor that are currently fully loaded, with no parts aged out OPEN_VERSIONS -- NUMBER Number of versions that some user has an open cursor on. USERS_OPENING -- NUMBER Number of users that currently have this SQL statement parsed in an open cursor EXECUTIONS -- NUMBER Total number of times this SQL statement has been executed USERS_EXECUTING -- NUMBER Number of users that are currently executing this cursor LOADS -- NUMBER Number of times the cursor has been loaded after the body of the cursor has been aged out of the cache while the text of the SQL statement remained in it, or after the cursor is invalidated FIRST_LOAD_TIME -- VARCHAR2(19) Loaded into the SGA INVALIDATIONS -- NUMBER Number of times the contents of the cursor have been invalidated. For example: because tables referenced in the cursor are dropped, validated, or indexed PARSE_CALLS -- NUMBER Number of times users executed a parse call for this cursor DISK_READS -- NUMBER Number of disk blocks read by this cursor and all cursors caused to be executed by this cursor BUFFER_GETS -- NUMBER Number of buffers gotten (in any mode) by this cursor and all cursors caused to be executed by this cursor ROWS_PROCESSED -- NUMBER Total number of rows returned by the statement COMMAND_TYPE -- NUMBER See the codes listed following the V$SESSION description. The most common codes are 2 for INSERT, 3 for SELECT, 6 for UPDATE and 7 for DELETE. OPTIMIZER_MODE -- VARCHAR2(10) RULE, CHOOSE, FIRST_ROWS or ALL_ROWS PARSING_USER_ID -- NUMBER User that parsed the statement the first time the statement was run. Join this column to the USER# in V$SESSION. PARSING_SCHEMA_ID -- NUMBER Schema ID that was used for the initial parse KEPT_VERSIONS -- NUMBER Number of child versions that have been pinned in the library cache using the DBMS_SHARED_POOL package. ADDRESS -- RAW Used together with HASH_VALUE to select the full text of the SQL statement from V$SQLTEXT HASH_VALUE -- NUMBER Used together with ADDRESS to select the full text of the SQL statement from V$SQLTEXT MODULE -- VARCHAR2(64) Contains the name of the module that was executing at the time that the SQL statement was first parsed as set by calling DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE MODULE_HASH -- NUMBER The hash value of the module that is named in the MODULE column ACTION -- VARCHAR2(64) Contains the name of the action that was executing at the time that the SQL statement was first parsed as set by calling DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION ACTION_HASH -- NUMBER Hash value of the action that is named in the ACTION column SERIALIZABLE_ABORTS -- NUMBER Number of times the transaction fails to serialize, producing ORA-8177 errors, per cursor V$SQLTEXT: The text of SQL statements belonging to shared SQL cursors in the SGA ADDRESS -- RAW Used with HASH_VALUE to uniquely identify a cached cursor HASH_VALUE -- NUMBER Used with ADDRESS to uniquely identify a cached cursor PIECE -- NUMBER Number used to order the pieces of SQL text SQL_TEXT -- VARCHAR2 A column containing one piece of the SQL text COMMAND_TYPE -- NUMBER Code for the type of SQL statement (9SELECT, INSERT, etc.) V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES: This view is identical to the V$SQLTEXT view except that to improve legibility, V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES does not replace new lines and tabs in the SQL statement with spaces. ADDRESS -- RAW Used with HASH_VALUE to identify uniquely a cached cursor HASH_VALUE -- NUMBER Used with ADDRESS to identify uniquely a cached cursor PEICE -- NUMBER Number used to order the pieces of SQL text SQL_TEXT -- VARCHAR2 Column contains one piece of the SQL text COMMAND_TYPE -- NUMBER Code for the type of SQL statement (SELECT, INSERT, etc.) V$STATNAME: Decoded statistic names for the statistics shown in the V$SESSTAT table STATISTIC# -- NUMBER Statistic number NAME -- VARCHAR2 Statistic name CLASS -- NUMBER Statistic class: 1 (User), 2 (Redo), 4 (Enqueue), 8 (Cache), 16 (OS), 32 (Parallel Server), 64 (SQL), 128 (Debug) V$SYSLABEL: A Trusted Oracle view that lists system labels. For details, see the Trusted Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide. V$SYSSTAT: The current systemwide value for each statistic in table V$SESSTAT. STATISTIC# -- NUMBER Statistic number NAME -- VARCHAR2 Statistic name CLASS -- NUMBER Statistic class: 1 (User), 2 (Redo), 4 (Enqueue), 8 (Cache) VALUE -- NUMBER Statistic value V$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE: This view displays similar information to V$SESSION_CURSOR_ CACHE view except that this information is systemwide. OPENS -- NUBMER Cumulative total of cursor opens HITS -- NUMBER Cumulative total of cursor open hits HIT_RATIO -- NUMBER Ratio of the number of times you found an open cursor divided by the number of times you looked for a cursor V$SYSTEM_EVENT -- This view contains information on total waits for an event. Note that the TIME_WAITED and AVERAGE_WAIT columns will contain a value of zero on those platforms that do not support a fast timing mechanism. If you are running on one of these platforms and you wish this column to reflect true wait times, you must set TIMED_STATISTICS to TRUE in the parameters file. Please remember that doing this will have a small negative effect on system performance. EVENT -- VARCHAR2(64) The name of the wait event TOTAL_WAITS -- NUMBER The total number of waits for this event TOTAL_TIMEOUTS -- NUMBER The total number of timeouts for this event TIME_WAITED -- NUMBER The total amount of time waited for this event, in hundredths of a second AVERAGE_WAIT -- NUMBER The average amount of time waited for this event, in hundredths of a second V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER: This view contains information on system parameters. V$THREAD: Thread information from the control file THREAD# -- NUMBER Thread number STATUS -- VARCHAR2 Thread status: OPEN, CLOSED ENABLED -- VARCHAR2 Enabled status: DISABLED, (enabled) PRIVATE, or (enabled) PUBLIC GROUPS -- NUMBER Number of log groups assigned to this thread INSTANCE -- VARCHAR2 Instance name, if available OPEN_TIME -- VARCHAR2 Last time the thread was opened CURRENT_GROUP# -- NUMBER Current log group SEQUENCE# -- NUMBER Sequence number of current log CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# -- NUMBER SCN at last checkpoint CHECKPOINT_TIME -- VARCHAR2 Time of last checkpoint V$TIMER: The current time in hundredths of seconds HSECS -- NUMBER Time in hundredths of a second V$TRANSACTION: Information about transactions ADDR -- RAW(4) Address of transaction state object XIDUSN -- NUMBER Rollback (undo) segment number; invalid if inactive XIDSLOT -- NUMBER Slot number; invalid if inactive XIDSQN -- NUMBER Sequence number; invalid if inactive UBAFIL -- NUMBER Undo block address (UBA) filenum, invalid if inactive UBABLK -- NUMBER Undo block number, invalid if inactive UBASQN -- NUMBER Sequence number for rollback data; invalid if inactive UBAREC -- NUMBER Record number for rollback data; invalid if inactive STATUS -- VARCHAR2(16) Status START_TIME -- VARCHAR2(20) Start time START_SCNB - NUMBER Start system change number SCN base START_SCNW -- NUMBER Start SCN wrap START_UEXT -- NUMBER Start extent number START_UBAFIL -- NUMBER Start UBA file number START_UBABLK -- NUMBER Start UBA block number START_UBASQN -- NUMBER Start UBA sequence number START_UBAREC -- NUMBER Start UBA record number SES_ADDR -- RAW(4) Session object address FLAG -- NUMBER Flag SPACE -- VARCHAR2(3) Is a space transaction RECURSIVE -- VARCHAR2(3) Is a recursive transaction NOUNDO -- VARCHAR2(3) Is a noundo transaction PRV_XIDUSN -- NUMBER Parent transaction ID PRV_XIDSLT -- NUMBER Parent transaction slot number PRV_XIDSQN -- NUBMER Parent transaction sequence number USED_UBLK -- NUMBER Undo blocks used USED_UREC -- NUMBER Undo record used LOG_IO -- NUMBER Logical I/O PHY_IO -- NUMBER Physical I/O GR_GET -- NUMBER Consistent gets CR_CHANGE -- NUMBER Consistent changes V$TYPE_SIZE: Sizes of various database components for use in estimating data block capacity COMPONENT -- VARCHAR2 Component name, such as segment or buffer header TYPE -- VARCHAR2 Component type DESCRIPTION -- VARCHAR2 Description of component SIZE -- NUMBER Size of component V$VERSION: Version numbers of core library components in the Oracle Server. There is one row for each component. BANNER -- VARCHAR2 Component name and version number V$WAITSTAT: Block contention statistics. This table is updated only when timed statistics are enabled. CLASS -- VARCHAR2 Class of block subject to contention. If the count for the class "undo header" is high, you should be adding rollback segments. COUNT -- NUMBER Number of waits by this OPERATION for this CLASS of block TIME -- NUMBER Sum of all wait times for all the waits by this OPERATION for this CLASS of block Oracle7.3 Performance Table Usage: System-wide information: V$PARAMETER V$SGA V$SGASTAT V$SORT_SEGMENT V$SQL V$SQLAREA V$SQLTEXT V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES V$STATNAME V$SYSSTAT V$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE V$SYSTEM_EVENT Transaction information: V$DB_LINK V$LOCKED_OBJECT V$SESSION V$SQLSAREA V$SQLTEXT V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES V$TRANSACTION Parallel query: V$PQ_SESSTAT V$PQ_SLAVE V$PQ_SYSSTAT V$PQ_TQSTAT CPU information: V$SESSTAT V$SQL V$SQLAREA V$SYSSTAT V$TRANSACTION Session information: V$ACCESS V$LATCH_HOLDER V$LOCK V$LOCKED_OBJECT_MYSTAT V$OPEN_CURSOR_PROCESS V$SESSION V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO V$SESSION_WAIT V$SESSTAT V$SESS_IO Multithreaded server: V$CIRCUIT V$DISPATCHER V$QUEUE V$SHARED_SERVER V$SESSION Parallel server: V$BH V$CACHE V$CACHE_LOCK V$FALSE_PING V$LOCK_ACTIVITY V$LOCK_ELEMENT V$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS V$PING Packages, procedures, triggers: V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE V$LIBRARY_CACHE V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE V$SQL V$SQLAREA Disk I/O information: V$DATAFILE V$FILESTAT V$ROLLSTAT V$SESSTAT V$SESS_IO V$SORT_SEGMENT V$SQL V$SQLAREA V$SYSSTAT V$TRANSACTION Memory information: V$BH V$CACHE V$LIBRARY_CACHE V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE V$ROWCACHE V$SESSTAT V$SGA V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE V$SQL V$SQLAREA V$SYSSTAT V$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE Locking and contention: V$LATCH V$LATCHHOLDER V$LATCHNAME V$LATCH_CHILDREN V$LATCHMISSES V$LATCHPARENT V$LOCK V$LIBRARY_CACHE V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE V$PROCESS V$ROLLSTAT V$SESSION V$SESSION_EVENT V$SESSION_WAIT V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE V$SYSTEM_EVENT V$WAITSTAT